Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Ebook  Restrito

      Clinical Aspects of Inner Ear Deafness 

      Lehnhardt, Ernst (Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 1986)
      The work on clinical aspects of inner ear deafness started out in 1983/1984 as a general review conceived by the Deutsche Gesellschaft fUr Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Heilkunde, Kopf-und Hals-Chirurgie (German Society for ...
    • Ebook  Restrito

      Deafness, Deprivation, and IQ 

      Braden, Jeffery P. (Springer, Boston, MA, 1994)
      Deafness is a "low incidence" disability and, therefore not studied or understood in the same way as other disabilities. Historically, research in deafness has been conducted by a small group of individuals who communicated ...
    • Ebook  Restrito

      Endoscopy of the Paranasal Sinuses 

      Draf, Wolfgang (Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 1983)
      The exponential explosion of diagnostic techniques that is the hallmark of Twentieth Century medicine often makes us forget that the human perceptual senses are still the simplest, most reliable, and most readily available ...